March 24, 2006

Doing Nothing

Press HERE to see a slideshow from around Cuernavaca.

Pool in the Afternoon
Palm in the Ravine
Our Back Yard

Totally and utterly relaxing, that is what Cuernavaca has been for me. All I have been doing is nothing, and I have been enjoying every minute of it. There is a pool here. I have been soaking up the sun and swimming. In the evenings, might go out to a movie or dinner. The place is simply beautiful with flowers in bloom everywhere. The sun shines everyday and the temperatures are perfect, dipping into the 50's a night and rising into the 80's during the day. I have been doing some cooking. We took a couple of cooking lessons. Now going to a cooking school - that is something I could really enjoy. I thought that we would get busy this week, but it has not happened yet. Well we did visit a nice museum, Robert Brady Museum, yesterday. It has a great art collection. Brady was an American artist that lived here for years working and collecting art.

Betty signed up at a Spanish language school for two weeks. She finished up last Friday. She gets all stressed out when she studies, so I cannot see why she bothers. We took the cooking classes through her school. She made some good friends, like Megan Cowell of Iowa and Patrick Scott. Despite his day job, he is secretly an artist. You can see some of his sculptures at

The school had a party for all the students last Thursday. During that week there was a large group of high school students from Vancouver. There were decent Margaritas for the adults and some tasty food for all. They had a Mariachi band and dancing. Later the kids broke several Piñatas and devoured the candy inside. The strangest thing occurred at the party. A couple, Arturo and Elena, turned to us and asked if I remembered meeting them at La Viruta last August, one night when Birgitta and I visited my favorite Tango club in Buenos Aires.

Megan Cowell
Betty and Liz at School
Arturo and Elena
Senoras at the Fiesta
Party Musicians
And More Dancing
Even Me and Wallie
Piñata Gathering
With Club in Hand
Whirling in the Dark
With Sweet Rewards

Speaking of Buenos Aires, I must say that we really miss our friends and the city. We are constantly comparing Mexico to Argentina. Mexico seems to come up short all the time. So, Argentina is really a part of us now. Some things we miss more than others. The thing that we missed the most is being there for our friends, Javier and Gillermina. Their first child was just born a few days ago. His name is Fermín Burgos. The message the Javier sent us a few days ago follows:

From: Javier Burgos
Sent: Tuesday, March 21, 2006 8:18 PM
To: Bill Sundstrom; Betty Cassady

Subject: Fermín is here

IMG_0665.JPG; IMG_0686.JPG; IMG_0676.JPG

Hi !

Fermín born on Sunday at 1:40 pm, and weight 3.688 kg, Guillermina and the baby are both very well, he was already programmed to be induce for Monday but he decided to go out side for his own one day early. So we went to the hospital at 2 am and we have to stay.

Guille and the baby come home tomorrow morning.

Well then all send you some more pics.



Posted by bill at March 24, 2006 12:37 PM

Bill, don't know if you're getting any flying in but it looks like the weather is nice. Greg

Posted by: Greg at March 28, 2006 09:37 PM

Congrats to Javier & Guillermina !! What a beautiful child , so perfect. Jim & I met Javier When visiting you & Betty, & what a great Dad he will be...
What a lovely place to do NOTHING , good for you both. The flora looks so lovely, Betty must love that. I can understand how you feel when stydying , Betty. I was the same. So great to have freedom again eh ? Bravo though, learning Spanish is not easy, good for u to work at it !!

Posted by: Lise at April 1, 2006 02:14 PM