May 12, 2004

Spring and Retirement


Betty's retirement is coming at the end of the month.
She has had some paperwork to do, but the separation looks like it will come easy.
Of course, we will throw a big open-house party.
We have our airplane reservations, and will leave for Prague on the 9th of June.
We hope to buy a car in the Czech Republic and then spend three months driving through Eastern Europe. We will be in Minnesota for a short while in September and October before moving to Argentina for a year.

Bleeding Hearts


The yard and garden has been the focus of so much work.
With little or no care given to it in the past three years, there has been much to do. Added to that, I have had to prepare for no one working on it for the next couple of years. So, I have been planting native grasses and perennials where once my garden vegetables grew. I hope you enjoy the spring floral photos.

Red Tulips

Posted by bill at May 12, 2004 02:08 PM

I got so sad reading this latest missive from you. I am so happy you all are retired and can do so much traveling. But I get choked up thinking you will be gone for a year. I will attend your party and may never leave. Soon, Mickie

Posted by: Mickie at May 13, 2004 03:54 AM

Even looking at your changing gardens made me sad. Change looks different to those who are viewing it from a distance. Mickie

Posted by: Mickie at May 13, 2004 03:55 AM