February 01, 2004

Hung Over and More

I was a bit hung over this morning. I took Adrian Jimenez out for drinks in the early evening. I have not been in the Uptown area of Minneapolis in the evening for years. It was a treat to be in this artsy-fartsy area. After eating and drinking at William'­s Pub, Adrian went home and I went over to Chino-Latino. It was fun and I found a couple of people to talk to. But this morning I was hung over.

I did some work on trying to understand this BLOG a bit. And I did some work on the family tree, after my dad told me that a cousin of my grandpa lived in the US. But I could find no information on the web about him.
A real genealogical treat came in the mail today. I have been talking to one of Betty'­s cousins in IA, Dorothy Bahlmann. She claimed to have a photo of Betty'­s grandmother and grandfather'­s wedding. Well, the photo came in the mail today. It can be seen in the extended area of this blog.

The Wedding of
Theresa L. Hensler and Michael G. Seiler
23 November 1909, St. Paul, MN

This image is only suitable for viewing.
Eventually I will make a high-resolution copy suitable for printing available.

Posted by bill at February 1, 2004 01:09 AM